Ethical Promises

I was recently at the Omaha Business Ethics Alliance’s “Summer Mind Candy Dialogue” (love that!) event. The conversation was titled, “Bringing Our Authentic, Whole Selves to Work-Or Not.”

 It was a great conversation that could have gone on for hours. Our panel were Katie Kodad with Children’s Hospital, Alexander Cayetano with the Greater Omaha Chamber, and Lori Bruckner with Airlite Plastics. They were thoughtful and forthcoming. They were moderated by Susan Koenig. Much of the conversation centered on the values of the organizations people worked for.

What stood out for me was, what of my authentic self do I bring to work environments (as an external consultant those environments vary). It became very clear to me that I was never my “whole” authentic self and that made sense. I am an extreme extrovert and easily adapt my behaviors to my environment so that I can connect. Not “all of me” is necessary, appropriate, or effective at any given moment.

What I do bring authentically, consistently in all environments, and wholly, are my ethics and values. I am very clear on those and they are the core of who I am. I am not me without them.

When I decided, entering into my 25th year in business, to document those values and ethics, they came out as promises. Promises to my clients, to my colleagues, and mostly to myself.

My values are simple:

  • Curiosity—this is how I approach my work and my relationships

  • Courage—to speak the truth (as I currently understand it) and to “stir the pot” so the bottom doesn’t burn.

  • Kindness—because none of the above can be done without it. I will not tolerate “brutal honesty.” Honesty is expected (if not demanded), brutality is always unacceptable.

My ethical promises are more complex: 

  • I will practice the 4-Way Test in everything I think, say, and do.

    • Is it the Truth?

    • Is it Fair to all concerned?

    • Will it build Good Will and better Friendships?

    • Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

  • I will be trustworthy in the eyes of others.

  • I will remain committed to the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging in everything I do.

I find labeling them as promises pushes me to be faithful to them. What are your ethical promises?